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Table 1 Coding scheme of collaborative learning behavior while performing the AR learning activities

From: Learners' approaches, motivation and patterns of problem-solving on lines and angles in geometry using augmented reality



Peer Involvement


Task Coordination: Discussing what to do in the task


Explanation of concept to the partner


Discussing where to mark


Discussing how to mark


Correcting each other


Physically moving each other


Discussing to mark accurately


Marking without discussion


Discussion irrelevant to the activity


Physically following other


Discussing to hold the tab

Teacher Prompts


To scale the house


To mark and/or erase


To explain the concept


To move to the other side of the house

AR Interactions


Draw curvy incomplete lines and erase


Draw wrong lines/answers and erase


Draw right answer/complete lines and erase


Draw correct answer and retain for at least 10 s


Scaling of the house by moving forward/backward


Scaling of the house using fingers on the screen


Moving to change the side of the house


Came out of the house