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Table 3 Assignment of the basic criteria used in some works

From: A BPM-based approach for ensuring an agile and adaptive learning process

Adopted criteria of artificial intelligence in education

According to these criteria, intelligence in education allows

Smart tracking

Finding the causes of learning process failures immediately

Anticipating changes and faults

Taking into account the actual and predicted durations as well as the occurrences

Developing technologies that are likely to replace repetitive and relatively predictable tasks of teachers' responsibilities

Using MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) as a base

Freeing the teacher from certain administrative tasks so that he can focus more on pedagogy

Social emotions

Initiating the construction of a sense of belonging

Regulating group dynamics

Facilitating the collaboration of learners

Breaking the isolation of the learner

Suscitating technical assistance between learners

Facilitating the awareness of affective states tasks

Producing formative feedback


Bringing out the learner's personal goals

Supporting the process of autonomy

Proposing significant activities

Fighting against abandonment

Encouraging the use of tools

Identifying the intrinsic motivations

Encouraging and praising