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Fig. 3 | Smart Learning Environments

Fig. 3

From: Behavioural design of gamification elements and exploration of player types in youth basketball training

Fig. 3

Storyboard: performance-related dimension. Frame 1: Welcome to the youth basketball training system! Here you can level up the system by completing different stages of training. First, you will receive a personal training plan tailored for you by the AI, including cycle tasks, chapter tasks and more.; Frame 2: Here, basketball training will be divided into different stages and levels, seeing different chapters of training tasks, completing one task unlocks the next chapter.; Frame 3: You will be awarded with different titles and badges for completing the stages! Frame 4: Completing different basketball training missions, you can earn different points. You'll also earn coins for winning online tournaments!; Frame 5: Be in the top three of the coin ranking to win the basketball trophy!; Frame 6: Finally, you'll have your own personal collection of achievements!

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