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Table 2 ChatGPT’s summary of key points from one of the provided student discourse sample

From: Designs and practices using generative AI for sustainable student discourse and knowledge creation

Key Ideas

1. Sustainable materials are those that do not deplete resources and can easily break down

2. Biodegradable materials can decompose quickly without harming the environment

3. Edible cups made from natural materials are an example of sustainable products

4. Raw materials like wood and plants can be used directly to create sustainable items

5. Some materials are treated with chemicals to enhance their properties or prevent decay

6. Cotton can be used for various purposes, including clothing, shopping, and food containers

7. The message of sustainability should be directed towards companies, parents, and children

8. Engaging and appealing presentations, such as videos and cartoons, can help convey the sustainability message

9. Rice and corn husks are potential alternatives to tree-based materials, but they may require chemical treatment

10. Raising awareness and promoting sustainable materials can be done through presentations, online messages, and targeting both adults and children