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Table 5 ChatGPT evaluated the ideas and suggested ways of improving the discussed ideas

From: Designs and practices using generative AI for sustainable student discourse and knowledge creation

Three recommendations to improve discussed ideas

1. Conduct feasibility studies: Before implementing any idea, it is important to conduct thorough feasibility studies to assess the viability and potential impact of each solution. This includes evaluating factors such as cost-effectiveness, scalability, environmental impact, and compatibility with existing infrastructure. Feasibility studies can provide valuable insights to prioritize and refine the ideas, ensuring their successful implementation

2. Foster cross-sector collaboration: To tackle complex sustainability challenges, it is crucial to foster collaboration among different sectors, including government agencies, businesses, research institutions, and civil society organizations. Encourage platforms for dialogue and collaboration, such as sustainability forums, working groups, and public–private partnerships. This collaborative approach promotes knowledge sharing, resource pooling, and collective action towards sustainable materials and energy solutions

3. Promote public education and awareness: Raise public awareness about sustainable materials and energy through targeted education campaigns. Develop educational programs, workshops, and awareness campaigns that highlight the importance of sustainable choices and their impact on the environment. Engage schools, community centers, and media platforms to disseminate information and encourage behavior change. Empowering individuals with knowledge can drive demand for sustainable alternatives and promote their adoption in daily life