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Table 6 ChatGPT provided advice on the idea creation and improvement process

From: Designs and practices using generative AI for sustainable student discourse and knowledge creation

Suggestions on what one can do about shallow ideas

1. Encourage deeper exploration: Facilitate a deeper exploration of the topic by asking open-ended questions that encourage critical thinking and analysis. Prompt the group to delve further into the underlying causes, implications, and potential solutions related to the topic. Encourage participants to share their perspectives and challenge each other’s assumptions, fostering a more comprehensive understanding of the issue

2. Broaden the discussion: If the ideas being discussed seem shallow, it could be helpful to broaden the discussion to include a wider range of perspectives and expertise. Invite individuals from different backgrounds or disciplines who can provide unique insights and alternative viewpoints. This diversity of perspectives can enrich the conversation and lead to the generation of more thoughtful and innovative ideas

3. Facilitate brainstorming techniques: Utilize brainstorming techniques to stimulate creativity and generate a wider array of ideas. Encourage participants to think outside the box and suspend judgment during the brainstorming process. Techniques such as mind mapping, role-playing, or the "six thinking hats" method can help stimulate new ideas and encourage deeper exploration of the topic