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Table 1 Comparison of learning modalities: online learning, virtual course of study, and e-learning

From: A student-centered approach using modern technologies in distance learning: a systematic review of the literature

Learning modality




The use of computer programs and electronic resources for learning, including interactive textbooks, tests, and simulations

Can be used as a standalone form of learning or as a supplement to traditional classroom instruction

Typically requires the use of a computer or laptop to access learning materials

Can be organized in self-paced or instructor-led formats

Online learning

Education that takes place entirely online, without the need for physical presence in educational institutions

Usually conducted on dedicated online platforms

Enables education to be accessed from anywhere in the world

May include the opportunity to communicate with instructors and fellow students through chats and video conferences

Virtual course of study

Online learning utilizing virtual classrooms, where instructors and students can interact in real-time

Typically includes lectures, discussions, and group assignments

Allows learners to gain a unique experience of communication and interaction in a virtual environment, which can be valuable in the real world

Requires participation at designated times