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Table 2 Main materials and methods in a student-centered approach to online learning

From: A student-centered approach using modern technologies in distance learning: a systematic review of the literature

Materials and methods


Personalized content

Educational materials, including text, videos, and audios, adapted to individual students’ needs and learning styles

Interactive lessons

Engaging and interactive lessons offered to students, such as quizzes, simulations, and games

Flexible schedule

Students are provided with the opportunity to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule

Collaborative learning

Students are encouraged to collaborate and communicate with other learners through online forums, discussion boards, and other interactive tools

Continuous assessment

Regular assessments and feedback provided to students to track progress and identify areas for improvement

Adaptive technology

Use of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to personalize the learning process


Incorporation of gaming elements into the educational process to enhance motivation and engagement of students

Multimodal learning

Utilization of various formats and delivery methods to cater to different learning styles

Mobile accessibility

Provision of access to educational materials and lessons on mobile devices for convenience and accessibility

Resource access

Provision of access to tutors, consultants, and other resources to support students’ learning and success