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Fig. 2 | Smart Learning Environments

Fig. 2

From: A plethora of choices: an anatomists’ practical perspectives for the selection of digital anatomy resources

Fig. 2

Recommended Roadmap for Implementing Digital Anatomy Resources. Phase 1: Procurement. Step 1: Review products presented in Table 1: Accessibility (resources required; where can the resources be used); Usability (suited to your teaching needs e.g., individuals; small groups; larger groups; online teaching; technical difficulties); Cost; Technical support; Accuracy; Subject/course suitability (year level; content depth); Product training sessions. Step 2: Contact providers: Institutional or individual licenses; Can you create your own resources using new technologies (copyright). Step 3: Institutional legalities; payment. Step 4: IT help; Designated rooms; Maintenance booking. Phase 2: Course Preparation. Step 1: Must include new technologies into regularly scheduled activities (need to be supported and not perceived as just a gimmick); Include asynchronous activities; Include in lectures or video clips where possible; Include in assessments. Step 2: Must ensure staff are aware of your vision and want to be part of it; Essential to ensure all staff are adept at using these technologies; Create informative training videos. Step 3: Create specific training sessions for students; Create informative video clips (how to access, features, etc.). All staff must show that they support these resources to ensure student uptake; Reinforcing training at the start of a course. Phase 3: Implementation. Step 1: Ensure resources including a protocol for technical issues and trouble-shoot are fully in place PRIOR to regular class; Integrate technical resources with existing resources (cadavers, models, skeletons, etc. where possible). Step 2: Initial check-in survey (after about week 2): Ask tutors or demonstrators to gauge student interaction with new technologies; Ask the tutors or demonstrators if they are using the resources as requested; Survey students for any concerns; Are the resources being used as per your vision. Step 3: End-of-term staff and student surveys; Determine if the resources were effective. Step 4: Improve curriculum design based on staff and student feedback

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