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Table 2 Comparative Analysis of IZKPs and NIZKPs

From: Zero-knowledge proofs in education: a pathway to disability inclusion and equitable learning opportunities





Involves back-and-forth communication between the prover and verifier

Relies on a single message from the prover to the verifier without further interactions

Proof Generation

Proof generation hinges on an interactive exchange protocol

Allows for one-step proof generation by the prover


Characterized by a sequence of challenge-response interactions

Noted for offering computational advantages, minimizing interactive overhead


Widely foundational, forming the basis for many cryptographic protocols

Often evolve from IZKPs via specific transformations


Founded on diverse cryptographic assumptions and predicated on both parties adhering to the protocol during interaction

Built on certain assumptions, especially those pertaining to the non-interactive transformation. Some may also depend on trusted setups


Can be less efficient due to potential multiple rounds of communication

Highly efficient in contexts where ongoing interaction is impractical or resource intensive