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Table 1 Context-aware data capture and its relationship to learning analytic application

From: Supporting the smart teacher: an agenda for the use of embedded sensing in novel learning spaces

Context-aware data capture

Level 2 design-dependent SOLE Analytic Application

Wrist-worn sensor accelerometer: hand-writing

The interchangeable role adoption and adaptation of individuals as note-takers

The physical hand-writing contribution of individuals participating in flocking behaviour to another group’s work or note taking in relation to an individual’s activity

Wrist-worn accelerometer: typing

The interchangeable role adoption and adaptation of individuals as computer user

Wrist-worn sensor accelerometer: touchpad touching

The interchangeable role adoption and adaptation of individuals as computer user

Video capture: 360 degree cameras

Individual and group level verbal interaction. Video also serves as a way to annotate data collected by the wrist-worn sensors to develop an algorithm to then recognise that particular activity in real-time.

Future sensing:

Wrist-worn bluetooth-enabled sensor

GPS: location

Individual participation in flocking behaviour whereby groups of individuals children physically move around to observe activity of another group, disband and return to their groups.

The co-occurrence of individual flocking behaviour with other activity such as computer use and note-taking

Audio sensors

Ranges in noise levels from very high to low associated with chaotic (optimal learning environment for SOLE) to ordered learning behaviour and verbal interaction

Screen capture of computer use including internet navigation

Interchangeable adoption and adaptation of individual roles (computer user, note taker) as well as director, entertainer and disturber (in terms of learning content)