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Table 8 Instrument items

From: Learner-content interaction in e-learning- the moderating role of perceived harm of COVID-19 in assessing the satisfaction of learners

Learning Content

 The e-learning system provides me with sufficient learning content.

 The e-learning system often provides updated information.

 The e-learning system provides the learning content that I need.

Web site content

 The web site uses audio and video elements properly.

 The web site uses animations/graphics and multimedia features properly.

 The course website has relevant course information and learning material.

 The course website can be easily accessed and navigated

 The website provides high-quality information

E-Learning Quality

 The overall quality of the instruction I get from online learning is (poor-excellent)

 The instructional web site seems to be up to date

 The instructional web site works well

 The instructional web site has clear instruction

Student Satisfaction

 Would you agree to say that “I am satisfied with my decision to enroll in the online classes?”

 Would you agree to say that “My choice to enroll in online classes was a wise one?”

 Would you agree to say that “I think I did the right thing when I paid for online learning service?”

 Would you agree to say that “I feel that my experience with online learning has been enjoyable?”

Perceived Harm

 If I were to engage in social distancing (e.g. by avoiding public transport and social events) I would lessen my chance of developing an infectious disease.

 I am encouraged by engaging in social distancing during times of infectious disease because I feel it would be a necessity to do it.

 I feel confident in my ability to engage in social distancing during times of infectious disease.