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Table 2 Experience complexity of a smart learning journey

From: The pedagogy of experience complexity for smart learning: considerations for designing urban digital citizen learning activities


Category A

Doing the tasks

Category B


Category C

Being there

Category D

Knowledge and place as value

Level 4

Research tasks and topic beforehand, take time doing and reflecting on tasks

Share tasks and content, do additional learning, discuss related experience and knowledge

Live it, being in the picture, live the atmosphere, take more time, seeing the whole and related parts

Knowing and seeing knowledge and place as valuable, personal experience, deeper engagement and ‘possibilities’

Level 3

Tasks indirectly related to coursework or assessment

Discuss tasks and topic in relation to time and place

Experience in the place relating to other people, aspects and memories. Make connections between places and knowledge

Engage further with knowledge in topics, create upload content for tasks and at locations

Level 2

Do the tasks of interest, directly related to coursework or assessment

Discuss the tasks, help each other with tasks and tech

Locations are of some interest, potential for learning, creativity or inspiration

Click a few content links, save links ‘for later’, make screenshots of augmentations or tasks

Level 1

Do the tasks, go home

Discuss who does the tasks, how technology works

Go to locations, do tasks, go home

No engagement with content or knowledge, don’t create or upload content