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Table 2 Categories created for the concept of merit

From: Academics looks on the concept of "merit"

Category (Quotations)




Ensuring justice and giving to the deserving person, "Merit is like the Judge making the right decision, because in the end justice is delivered (1 M)." "Merit is like a right because it must be given to the one who deserves it (7 M)." "Merit is like a gold medal because only those who deserve it stand upright (9 M)." "It is like a dress of merit, because it must be dressed to the one that suits you (14 M)." "Merit is like justice, because trust has been given to the person (33 M)."

(1): Hz. Omar's justice, right, gold medal, judge's right decision, officer doing his job behind glass, flower, luggage locker, crown, life, medal; (2): Ladder, dress; (3): Driving license; (5): Justice



Adding strength to society and being the foundation of society, "Merit is like knowledge, because its quality creates and strengthens the place it enters (16 M)." "Merit is like the body, because the more merit, the stronger the body (8 M)." "Merit is like air, because just as we are disturbed when the quality of the air is impaired, social balances are disrupted if the work is not done according to merit in the society (35 M)." “Merit is like an earthquake isolator because the earthquake isolator tries to keep the building alive during an earthquake. Likewise, competent people also strive to keep institutions alive (55 M). " "Merit is like medicine because if merit is essential in a society, that society starts to rise (85 M)."

(1): Knowledge, body, mercy, air, giving the job to the person, earthquake insulator, balance in the universe, the foundation of society, plane tree, essence, life water, medicine, brand, constitution; (3): Honey



Be valuable, "Merit is like gold because it is so precious and rarely found (5 M)." "Merit is like jewelry, because what is worthy of its location both adds value and is valued (10 M)."

(1): Jewelry, honesty, a properly functioning factory, kind of spring, beautiful, key; (3): Diamond; (7): Gold



It is essential, "Merit is like the foundation of democracy because it is indispensable (13 M)." “Merit is like oxygen because its existence benefits everyone. Its absence hurt everyone (17 M). " "Merit is like water, because as it is ignored, it dries up and loses its vitality (27 M)." "Merit is like justice because it is an indispensable managerial element (50 M)."

(1): It should be, the air, the foundation of democracy, oxygen, the sun, justice, obligatory, medicine; (3): Water



Lack of merit, "Merit is like the ababil bird, because it is always told, but no one really sees (19 M)." “Merit is like manhood, because not everyone is looking for merit, and not everyone is looking for merit. Whether you want to sit or stand or get up, their types are a more preferred elimination element (25 M). " "Merit is like the quality in coal, because no one cares because everyone uses natural gas (57 M)." "Merit is like a diamond because it is very difficult to find (82 M)."

(1): Gold in mud, gold, diamond, the ababil bird, fire, quality in coal, flattery, rare and dignified one, money



Requires skill and effort, "Merit is like a master because it takes effort, talent, patience and care (70 M)." "Merit is like halal food because it is earned by sweat (84 M)." "Merit is like a diploma because it is knowing the job (96 M)."

(1): Skill, master, virtue, halal food, diploma, athletics; (2): Knowing work



Providing a healthy functioning and being complementary, "Merit is like the missing piece of mosaic, because only worthy completes (26 M)." "Merit is like the keystone, because for a healthy functioning, one must have all the necessary qualities (45 M)." "Merit is like medicine because it removes the disease where it is used (86 M)."

(1): Missing piece of mosaic, keystone, machine, doctor entrusted with life, good driver, medicine, master surgeon



It is enlightening and peaceful, "Merit is like the sun because it illuminates everywhere (2 M)." "Merit is like a halal bite because it gives peace to those who feed on it (58 M)."

(1): Shining sun, true and harmonious sound, halal bite; (3): Sun



Success and productivity, "Merit is like the sun, because success shines wherever and where merit is found (6 M)." "Merit is like soil, because if it is cultivated and processed properly, it will yield a beautiful and productive product

(1): Sun, soil, car engine, competence, plant in right place at right time



  1. Citations are located under the categories in the table. Each number in parentheses indicates the frequency of the metaphor