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Table 1 The related gaming behavior traces for each personality dimension

From: Implicit modeling of learners’ personalities in a game-based learning environment using their gaming behaviors

Personality dimension

Game traces

Definition in the game


Time (T)

The total amount of time that the learner spends in reading the story.

Confidence (C)

The use of the option “your score will be seen by all your

friends” to verify if the learner will check this option.

Color (CR)

The color of the chosen clothes for the game character.

Accessed Areas (AA)

The places that the learner visited while exploring the game environment.

Risk (R)

The paths that the learner decides to follow (risky or safe paths).

Number of friends (NF)

Number of friends that the learner will make in the game.

Feeling (F)

The positive or negative feelings that the learner has toward making conversation with NPCs. This can be done by freely choosing to accept or reject to start this conversation.

Gregariousness (G)

Learner’s preference for accompanying NPCs for a tour in the game.


Time (T)

The time that the learner spends in reading the story.

Score (SCR)

The accumulated score that the learner earned during the learning-playing process.

Accessed Areas (AA)

The places that the learner visited while exploring the game environment.