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Table 9 Thematic coding of open-ended question 1

From: Student perspectives on the use of universal design for learning in virtual formats in higher education

Thematic category

Percentage (n = 40)

Selected individual responses

Virtual study group


Virtual Study Group- I save travel time but receive F2F (face-to-face) instruction from the teacher

VSG- I can remain at home and be comfortable, but I also get to interact with my peers, ask questions, and get feedback right away. They are funny sometimes too

VSG- PowerPoint, video, teacher lecture, small group, and the whole group



Online- I only take online courses due to my schedule

I only take online courses because of my schedule and because I am comfortable with these courses

Well, due to COVID and working remotely for 12 months, I think online works for me because the professor gives you all the materials and assignments and time to submit things. They also explain each step and remind you when things are due

Independent study


Independent studies where the professor is a good communicator

Independent study b/c I feel like I can go more at my own speed. Plus, I find the discussion post is not open-ended enough. I feel like I’m doing the post and the responses to meet a requirement, not to discuss people’s different views on a topic



In-person. This has helped me be hands-on and not feel as though I must teach myself the lesson to better understand and complete an assignment