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Table 4 Student’s Activity Gaps calculation for each intervention cycle

From: i-Ntervene: applying an evidence-based learning analytics intervention to support computer programming instruction

Activity gaps

Definition and calculation

Class Attendance Gap (Atdn Gap) \(\in\)[-1,0]

Ratio of Student’s class attendance in a cycle ranging from -1 for no attendance to 0 for fully attended

\(Atdn Gap= \left(\frac{Number of class a student attended}{Number of class attendance that instructor expected}\right)-1\)

Class Engagement Gap (Engm Gap)


Ratio of student’s engagement in classroom in a cycle. The ratio ranges from -1 for no interaction on any material to 0 if a student interacted on all material of his attended classes. In case that a student did not attend any class, Engm gap will be defined as ‘not available’ (na)

\(Engm Gap= \left(\frac{Number of material a student worked on in class}{Total materials introduced in the classes that student attended }\right)-1\)


Practice Gap

(Asgm Gap)


Ratio of assignments in which students practiced in a cycle ranging from -1 for no practice to 0 for practiced on all assigned material

\(Asgm Gap= \left(\frac{Number of assignment student practiced}{Number of assignment that instructor expected}\right)-1\)

Self-Study Rate

\(\in\)[0,\(\infty ]\)

Amount of non-assignment material in which students interacted in a cycle ranging from 0 for none to any positive value