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Table 5 Key assessment aspects on student code

From: i-Ntervene: applying an evidence-based learning analytics intervention to support computer programming instruction

Assessment aspects


Syntactic correctness

All commands in code must be correct. Automatic code graders can simply verify this using a compiler

Semantic/logical correctness

Code’s outputs must agree with the expected solution described by specifications. Most automatic code graders can validate the code outputs using defined test cases


Code must provide outputs within a specific duration and computer resource. Most automatic code graders can specify CPU time and memory limits to validate this aspect


This aspect involves coding style, guidelines and best practices which focus on readability and reusability. It is a consideration for advanced programming course. This aspect cannot be judged by automatic code graders


Code should not replicate nor closely resemble another student’s code. Some automatic code graders have a feature to check for code authenticity, but it could yield high false positives in cases of simple coding questions